Why can’t fungal dandruff be wiped out “forever” with antifungal medication, like antibiotics for bacteria or the immune system for viral infections?


I don’t understand the concept of dandruff very well. Apparently it is caused by a yeast on our skin, so why can’t it just be killed? I mean, is it really that important for anything?

Can’t I just, you know, take/lather myself in something that kills all Malassezia?

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9 Answers

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Keep in mind the fungus is related to the same that give us jock itch, athletes foot, ringowrm etc. As people who have had and treated jock itch can tell you, it is never really gone either. The spores are in your clothes, bed, the rest of your body. So when you soap up the junk with some dandruff shampoo and your goolies stop itching, the spores just start working their way back in again.

The only way to really permanently get rid of them is to remove the environment that grows fungus well. All you have to do is have a perfectly dry skin on your face, scalp, crotch. Don’t sweat ever again. Burn your belongings and move into a bubble.

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