Why can’t fungal dandruff be wiped out “forever” with antifungal medication, like antibiotics for bacteria or the immune system for viral infections?


I don’t understand the concept of dandruff very well. Apparently it is caused by a yeast on our skin, so why can’t it just be killed? I mean, is it really that important for anything?

Can’t I just, you know, take/lather myself in something that kills all Malassezia?

In: 4

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unilever (they make head and shoulders) did a little piece on it.

Basically, we assumed it was mostly that fungus, but it might also be a bacteria, which obvious fungicide won’t kill, or even just the skin itself. Fungus is just a common, easily treatable one, but it happens because of the environment. It’s not like a cold that you catch. Some people just have a head that’s great for growing it, and fungicide only treats the symptom, not necessarily the cause.

Unilever is basically saying that we don’t know everything about what causes it and I mean, it’s partially true, but a lot of dandruff causes can be treated and even prevented, but it’s like something that comes from a few different places.

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