My house is hot in the southern United States. Trying to add insulation in the attic space during the summer almost killed me last year. The attic was so unbelievably hot. I have developed a roof leak and was thinking about a metal roof on top of my current roof. I was wondering why a metal roof can’t be installed on braces a few inches above an existing roof to function as a roof and shade. The airflow between the two would have to cool the attic, much better than if the heat radiated through straight to the shingles and plywood. We bought a sunshade for our back patio, and I’ve thought about even something as simple as that over smaller homes could drastically help.
In: Engineering
Depending on climate, you might be fucking yourself come winter, when your roof could be collecting passive heat. In general the house should be sited and designed to work for exposure, climate, and your specific use cases. Of course nobody in the US hires architects, so how your home performs is usually down to dumb luck.
Solar panels over a roof area where you want less heat collection would kill two birds I imagine.
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