Why can’t hyperinflation be fixed by creating a new currency? or just stop printing?


Why can’t hyperinflation be fixed by creating a new currency? or just stop printing?

In: 101

20 Answers

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Because as much as the ‘very important people’ who do economics like to treat their field with the same importance as the hard sciences, the reality is that much of economics is based on collective belief. Take the classic: Money is worth something because we *believe* it’s worth something.

Ultimately, there’s a bunch of very serious people using very serious sounding made up words to try and instill confidence in a Frankenstein’s Monster of a system, that’s really just a hodgepodge of mathematical theorems mixed together with human behavior.

Hyperinflation can be fixed in any number of ways, but the linchpin of the whole thing is to re-establish a collective belief in the currency.

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