Why can’t hyperinflation be fixed by creating a new currency? or just stop printing?


Why can’t hyperinflation be fixed by creating a new currency? or just stop printing?

In: 101

20 Answers

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Do you know what hyperinflation is? Don’t just use a term without understanding its meaning.

If hyperinflation can be fixed, it wouldn’t have devolved into hyperinflation in the first place. Hyperinflation is first and foremost GOVERNMENT FAILURE. It is a symptom that a government has no longer got the confidence of the citizens and is pursuing a reckless fiscal and monetary policy. So the problem here is, if anyone was smart enough in government, there wouldn’t be hyperinflation in the first place. And if they’re still in power, and not smart, they won’t be able to fix it anyway since they’re incompetent.

So the first step to fixing hyperinflation is to replace the government. All other steps are secondary in a practical sense. The person who set the house on fire isn’t going to be the person you trust to put out that fire even if you give them fire extinguishers.

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