Why can’t JPEGS be transparent?


Why can’t JPEGS be transparent?

In: 1537

19 Answers

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Are you familiar with Morse code? Morse code has the entire English alphabet and some punctuation, but there’s no distinction between capital and lower case letters. That’s why old telegrams are written all capital letters.

If you send dot-dot-dot, it’s just “S.” Not big or small S, just “S.” A code for small S simply doesn’t exist. You could invent one, but then everyone else would have to agree on it, otherwise nobody would understand you.

The JPEG format is a way of turning pictures into computer data, just like Morse code is a way of turning words into dots and dashes. There are no rules in JPEG for transparency, just like there is no sequence in Morse code for lower case S. You could try to add transparency to a JPEG, but nobody else’s computer would understand it, just like nobody else would understand your made up Morse code for lower case S.

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