Why can’t new hardware simply run old software?


I downloaded an old PC game onto my laptop and had to use DOS Box to run it, because Windows 11 wouldn’t allow a 16-bit application to run.

Why is it that a much more powerful laptop can’t deal with software my PC had no problems with 20 years ago? Same thing with backwards-compatible video games.

In: 3

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In order to run 16 bit software, the environment it ran in – DOS, and the BIOS that came with PC hardwares – needs to be provided as well. Also the actual hardware, like a VGA graphics card and how it worked. That’s not available directly, so software must be written to fake it.

Microsoft gave up on that a LONG time ago. They don’t do that any more. You’ll need DOSBOX to provide it instead.

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