Why can’t plants absorb nitrogen from the air?


So, I recently watched a video regarding the first synthesized fertilizer, and I thought it was pretty interesting that farmland was basically screwed if they didn’t figure out how to get more nitrogen into dirt.

But then I thought about it, I was taught that plants make the bulk of themselves out of carbon, which they absorb from the air in carbon dioxide. Why is the same not true with nitrogen? Our atmosphere is a little more than 2/3rds nitrogen after all.

I tried looking it up, but the result was basically “Because nitrogen in the atmosphere is in a gaseous form” but that wasn’t really helpful.

In: 91

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you can think it like this, whenever you have a job you

1) DIY- if it’s a difficult job, one you don’t know, the inertia is more, so you think of alternates than doing it yourself. Breaking N2 Bonds are high energy and skill tasks so Plants try and figure out other ways.

2) Leave it to the forces of nature and do some praying – By gods grace nature is there to help in form of Bacteria, all you have do if offer them sugar as offering and they will fulfill you wishes albeit slowly and steadily. No hurry here…

4) Hire a Professional – sometimes you can’t just rely on nature so you hire professional people to fulfill your needs… AKA leguminous plants… They hire, feed and shelter bacteria and ask them to do their jobs.

4) Buy readymade – A.K.A Fertilizers by humans- .plants are relaxed but we humans are greedy we want all and we want now and the result is Fertilizers.

Hope it helps.

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