We don’t produce enough and we don’t produce it efficiently.
Consider a small car say 100 horsepower or 75 kWatts. The power output of a normal human will be around 200-250W and an elite athlete can perhaps sustain an output of 400-500W over several hours.
A small car uses more power than 150 people can produce. Even a single room heater (1.5 kW) uses more power than 3-4 people can sustain. The amounts simply don’t work out. Just cars alone – there are around 1 billion cars in use today. If every car needed the output of 100 people, there would need to be a way to have 100 billion people’s worth of power simply to operate our cars. (the world population is 8 billion)
There are plants like oil palms that produce a lot of oil. Even so, it would take massive plantations (the size of several medium sized countries) to produce enough oil to sustain the world’s consumption.
Humans don’t produce much oil and the energy wee need in the form of food to produce it is not used efficiently.
If you were to set up a farm full of humans to harvest them for their oil you would have to feed them and then you would spend more energy growing, gathering and transporting the food to the humans than you would get out of burning the little oil they produce.
It works with whale oil because whales are bigger than humans and you don’t need to feed them before you capture and kill them and gathering a single whale is easier than gathering up all the plankton the whale ate and using that for fuel instead.
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