Why can’t we “cup” a nuclear blast in order to focus the blast power on an object and, with precise measurements, aim it at the Sun to be burned up eventually?


Basically, picture a cherry bomb under a really strong teacup that stayed in one piece during the explosion and shot up in the air, but scaled up a whole lot.

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8 Answers

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Many people have already pointed you towards Project Orion which had a rocket pooping out small bombs who’s explosions then pushed on a springy pusher plate to give the rocket some pretty insane propulsion stats

From the same lab that designed Project Orion came the nuclear shaped charge which set off a nuke in a beryllium sphere with an open portion. In a vacuum almost all of the energy released by a nuke is in the form of x-rays and gamma rays, and the beryllium converts them into lower frequencies which then vaporize a tungsten plug over the opening and send it shooting out at high speeds as a plasma disk. Boosted efficiency for project Orion because it captures more of the energy

Then the Casaba Howitzer because apparently they were on a melon kick. Take that nuclear shaped charge and use a lighter metal that’s thinner and tapered a bit. Now your shape charge creates a much smaller much faster and narrower metal stream. Better for reaching out and touching someone in their no no square

The 1960s and the later Strategic Defense Initiative were just ***wild!***

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