why can’t we eliminate side effects from certain drugs?


why can’t we eliminate side effects from certain drugs?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There have been some great answers here. I’ll add my 2 cents:

The body is **remarkably complicated.** You have a bunch of different processes running at the same time that do things like regulate blood sugar and mood and appetite and kidney function. Literally a thousand different processes.

To regulate blood sugar you have different processes that act against each other. Your body releases insulin to decrease blood sugar, but also glucagon to increase blood sugar. It’s not an either/or scenario; they work in tandem. One doesn’t switch off when the other switches on.

Side effects are from drugs that are taken to regulate some of those processes (like blood pressure for example). To offset the side effects isn’t as easy as finding the key to it. Let’s say a side effect of the drug is raising your blood sugar. You need to solve the issue for insulin production, but also glucagon production at the same time. It isn’t that easy because that can affect other processes as well. The balance between these systems in your body never ceases to amaze me.

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