Why can’t we just do therapy on ourselves? Why do we need an external person to help?


We are a highly-intelligent species and yet we are often not able to resolve or often even recognize the stuff going on in our own heads. Why is that?

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27 Answers

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There are great explanations, but I wanted to try to add an ELI5 explanation. There was a story/joke about a foolish person who went to the doctor and said “every part of my body that I touch hurts. I touch my shoulder and it hurts. I touch my belly and it hurts. I touch my leg, and it hurts.” The doctor replies, “your finger is broken”.

This joke is similar to mental health because if there is an issue with the part of you (the brain) that determines if there is an issue, you can end up with wrong answers or blaming the problems on other (especially external) things.

In many cases, a therapist is trained to ask the right questions, and follow up in the right ways, similar to how a doctor looks at a person to determine what kinds of physical issues a patient might have. However, some of those questions might seem silly to someone just listening in, or who is not being honest with the therapist (and themselves). (This is why sitcoms often have therapists ask questions like “and how does that make you feel?” That seems strange out of context, but it is no different than only hearing one question from a doctor, like “was your mother diabetic?”)

Even in cases of physical health, even if we know there is an issue, we might have no idea what is wrong or how to address it. “My leg hurts” is not really a diagnosis, since it could be muscle damage or strain, nerve issues, blood clot, chipped bone, or many other things. Even if the person in the above joke knew their finger was broken, they would still want to go to the doctor to get it x-rayed, make sure there were no loose bone chips or other damage, and get it set and in a cast to make sure it heals correctly. A simple and clean break could potentially be addressed without a doctor, but as it gets more complicated, it is possible to do more short-term and long-term damage trying to fix it without a professional.

Keep in mind that none of this should prevent you from learning more about what is going on with you (or a loved one), physically or mentally (and note that many mental health topics have physical elements as well). It would be difficult to match the breadth and scope of the entire medical realm of a professional, but the narrow topic of one or a few conditions is worth understanding.

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