Why can’t we just make food? Why is planting seeds and letting it grow still how we do it?


Synthetic food seems like a good idea no? We used to grow rubber for example but now we just make synthetic rubber.

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13 Answers

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Over the course of a few hundred million years, nature has devised away to take sunshine, carbon dioxide, and some trace elements and turn them into an energy storage unit we think of as food. Sure, we’ve tweaked nature’s already incredibly efficient processes over the past few thousand years cultivation, selective reading, and now genetic modification. But fundamentally process to do this created through uncountable millennia of evolution has produced an incredibly successful and widely dispersed food factory. While we could likely produce similar results on a small scale, the amount of energy and hardware we would need to use almost certainly far exceeds that used by the process developed naturally. In other words, any effort at a fully artificial food development program would use more resources and yield less results than doing it the way we do it now.

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