– Why can’t we just ‘produce’ gasoline, like synthetically?


– Why can’t we just ‘produce’ gasoline, like synthetically?

In: 439

147 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

We could, but it would be expensive and still give off greenhouse gases when burned. Is there is a specific problem you think doing so would solve?

Anonymous 0 Comments

We could, but it would be expensive and still give off greenhouse gases when burned. Is there is a specific problem you think doing so would solve?

Anonymous 0 Comments

it would kinda defeat the purpose of having it

whatever process we could use to synthetizie gasoline would likely end up using up the same if not more energy than the energy you could get from burning it.

plus if the outcome is chemically identical it would create the same by products which are just as problematic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We could, but it would be expensive and still give off greenhouse gases when burned. Is there is a specific problem you think doing so would solve?

Anonymous 0 Comments

We can, but we don’t do it at scale because the processes used to extract the hydrogen and the carbon that make up hydrocarbons require a lot of power, and until that power is coming from entirely clean sources like renewable energy or nuclear energy then you’re just making more expensive gas.

On the flipside though if all hydrocarbons burned was synthetic it would be a more or less carbon neutral cycle, as in not putting in extra carbon in the atmosphere.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We can, but we don’t do it at scale because the processes used to extract the hydrogen and the carbon that make up hydrocarbons require a lot of power, and until that power is coming from entirely clean sources like renewable energy or nuclear energy then you’re just making more expensive gas.

On the flipside though if all hydrocarbons burned was synthetic it would be a more or less carbon neutral cycle, as in not putting in extra carbon in the atmosphere.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it would kinda defeat the purpose of having it

whatever process we could use to synthetizie gasoline would likely end up using up the same if not more energy than the energy you could get from burning it.

plus if the outcome is chemically identical it would create the same by products which are just as problematic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We sorta do, you don’t just pump gasoline out of the ground. You take oil and refine it into, among other things, gasoline.
The nazies synthesized “gasoline” out of coal in WW2, it is dirty and inefficient but coal was available and oil was in short supply

Anonymous 0 Comments

We sorta do, you don’t just pump gasoline out of the ground. You take oil and refine it into, among other things, gasoline.
The nazies synthesized “gasoline” out of coal in WW2, it is dirty and inefficient but coal was available and oil was in short supply

Anonymous 0 Comments

We can, but we don’t do it at scale because the processes used to extract the hydrogen and the carbon that make up hydrocarbons require a lot of power, and until that power is coming from entirely clean sources like renewable energy or nuclear energy then you’re just making more expensive gas.

On the flipside though if all hydrocarbons burned was synthetic it would be a more or less carbon neutral cycle, as in not putting in extra carbon in the atmosphere.

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