So the concept started with the Gatling gun, the first rotating multi-barrel machine gun, and then was scaled up into the modern minigun. That was then scaled up to the 20mm Vulcan and 30mm Avenger autocannons.
Why can’t we scale it up even further with a multi-barrel rotating artillery cannon? One that shoots 3000 artillery rounds per minute and sends massive barrages of artillery?
In: Engineering
in the rare instance you need to saturate artillery fire into a small area it’s easier to use a volley-gun style device which at that point is just aiming a bunch of howitzers at the same place and synchronizing fire but with less flexibility
also i can’t think of a situation in a modern war where you’d want just inaccurate “general area” artillery fire but if you did there’s missiles with submunitions that can do the job easier, more accurately, and from further away
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