Why can’t we measure the amount of FPS or Hz our eyes run at? What is different from a display to our own “perception”?


Why can’t we measure the amount of FPS or Hz our eyes run at? What is different from a display to our own “perception”?

In: 92

16 Answers

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Something I didn’t see mentioned here is that its also hard to determine because our brains also “throw away” extra information that it doesn’t feel is relevant even within the same “frame” of vision. So if you are focused on one thing even something your eyes can see at the same time can be thrown away by your brain to not “see”. The best examples of this are your nose and glasses if you wear them, they’re in your field of vision all the time, but your brain knows that i9t’s unimportant and so you don’t actively “see” them unless something is wrong / different than usual, like your nose is bleeding or your glasses are dirty.

I don’t have a source at the moment but I do remember seeing a study where they concluded that the average human can see a difference in something like 1/300 fps. But that doesn’t mean we see at that rate, just that if 1/300 frames shown are different than the rest, our brains essentially throw out an error saying something in there was wonky.

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