why can’t we speedrun sleep?


How isn’t there a pill or something that we can take and only need like an hour or 2 of sleep?

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15 Answers

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Simple answer is that there might be one day but we don’t have it yet because sleep is an ENORMOUSLY complicated process.

Your body is healing, and developing new muscles based on what you did this last sleep cycle. Your brain is scrubbing all the random junk you threw at it, and sometimes causing dreams in the process. Your chemical balances are rebalancing. And there’s probably a whole lot of other maintenance and development and reinforcement and all sorts of other… uh… words that are happening.

There is one sweet lot of stuff going on… and we don’t really know what it all is yet, let alone how to craft a pill to make us continue to go without it for long periods before we start going insane and stuff.

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