Why can’t we use agricultural equipment to plant forests?


Every season we have farmers plant fields. Sometimes 100’s of archers large. They have heavy machinery. And with just a handful of men. They are able to plow and seed these fields.
Why can’t the same skill set and machinery plant a forest? Say, in the midwest or on the out skirts of the Dust Bowl? Or in the ever eroding South American Rain Forest?

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8 Answers

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We do farm forests. Most logging in North America is done via farming methods where the logging companies plant new saplings after they remove trees from a given area.

The Midwest has some forests, but it is also largely plains. Planting a lot of forests there would drastically change the environment and ecosystem, destroying what naturally lives in the area.

The Dustbowl is not a region. It was a specific climate disaster that occurred during the depression. Farmers tilled too much of the prairie to make farms and did not grow the kinds of plants necessary to keep the fertile soil on the ground. After being tilled the now loose soil blew away. This mad for massive dust storms that cause lots of problems, and rendered formerly fertile land incapable of supporting crops.

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