Why can’t we use agricultural equipment to plant forests?


Every season we have farmers plant fields. Sometimes 100’s of archers large. They have heavy machinery. And with just a handful of men. They are able to plow and seed these fields.
Why can’t the same skill set and machinery plant a forest? Say, in the midwest or on the out skirts of the Dust Bowl? Or in the ever eroding South American Rain Forest?

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8 Answers

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Hypothetically they could, there are agricultural machines that are used to plant trees in groves.
The problem is the forests/rainforest aren’t really “eroding”. They’re being cut down and burned for development and farmland. So that’s more of a legal/economics issue in terms of solutions.

Additionally trees need more water and soil nutrients than are naturally available in certain areas. So even if you planted a ton of trees it may not necessarily survive to become a “forest” depending on the location.

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