Why can’t we use agricultural equipment to plant forests?


Every season we have farmers plant fields. Sometimes 100’s of archers large. They have heavy machinery. And with just a handful of men. They are able to plow and seed these fields.
Why can’t the same skill set and machinery plant a forest? Say, in the midwest or on the out skirts of the Dust Bowl? Or in the ever eroding South American Rain Forest?

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8 Answers

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Not all forests are destroyed for lumber. A lot of forests are destroyed to make more farmland for humans. They don’t replant the forest because they want to grow crops there.

Aside from that, it takes a long time to grow a forest. Even pine forests grown strictly for lumber take years to mature. Other forests might take decades. It’s easier to just find more forests to destroy and turn the land you leave behind into something else profitable, and there aren’t laws that punish people for it.

The South American Rainforest isn’t being eroded away. It’s being destroyed intentionally to create farmable land for profit.

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