Why can’t we walk straight after spinning in circles?


After spinning in circles like 10 times, I struggle to walk in a straight line without falling down. What during the spinning causes the brain to get confused and how does it fix itself in a few minutes?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Balance is controlled by fluid in the ears. There is fluid inside of the balance center of the ear, and there are cells which detect the movement of the fluid to interpret balance.
Spinning also spins the fluid causing a bunch of different signals which are interpreted as dizziness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you spin in circles, your brain gets signals from your inner ear that you’re spinning. But when you stop, the fluid in your inner ear keeps moving for a bit, which makes your brain think you’re still spinning. This confuses your brain and makes it hard to balance, causing you to not walk straight. Your brain corrects itself as the fluid in your inner ear settles and stops sending spinning signals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

if you take a bowl of water and spinn it, the water will stay where it is and bsicly not move. but if you contiune to rotate it it will start pinning. now if you stop the bowl the water will continue to spin. part of you ear works a bit like that bowl. it has a fluid inside and is used to mesure you rmovement. there are small hairs inside that track the movement of warter. if you start spinning the water says still but because you are moving, the small hairs get bend by the water movement and tell your brain you are moving. after a while the water in the ear start spinnig too. (Sidenode: this is also the reason why you get dizy. because the water moves with you, the ear says to the brain “we dont move” but your eyes tell a different sorry. your brain gets confudes and causes nausea). now if you stop and start walking the water in your ear continues to spinn. so the hairs get bend again and tell your brain “we are spinning”. then your brain is like “hold up. i want to go straigt! i need to counteract the spinning” and changes your movement to go “Straight”