why can’t you float in water forever?


Seems like you can float on your back forever, without really getting tired. When people drown in lakes or oceans, why can’t they just float until someone rescues them? I get it if you’re wearing clothes heavy with water, but if you were already swimming, or at least dressed for it…?

In: 851

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from people not being able to swim and the cold (which will kill you – potentially quite quickly depending on water temp), unless the water is perfectly still, floating *isn’t* that easy.

I enjoy floating in a local lake. The waves often crash over my head and drag me down a little, at which I’ll have to force my way into a position where I can clear my nose + mouth and get back to floating. It’s not *exausting*, but I also couldn’t do that for more than a few hours at a time. (Which would be enough to get to shore, but not enough to survive indefinitely.)

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