why can’t you float in water forever?


Seems like you can float on your back forever, without really getting tired. When people drown in lakes or oceans, why can’t they just float until someone rescues them? I get it if you’re wearing clothes heavy with water, but if you were already swimming, or at least dressed for it…?

In: 851

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sure if the water is pretty calm, it is possible to float with little effort. There are other problems though

a) Hypothermia. Humans lose heat fairly quickly in water.

b) Thirst. Can’t drink sea water. Humans don’t survive very long (few days to a week at most) without water. And seawater will dehydrate the body.

c) Most open bodies of water aren’t very calm. So it will take a bit of energy to remain floating. While it takes a fair bit to die from lack of food, humans can run out of energy fairly quickly.

d) Exposure to the sun. Also a problem. Mild sunburns might be not more than a nuisance. But major problems like infections etc can and will occur with major sun burns. Sun exposure also leads to heatstroke etc.

Ultimately, without protection from the sun, relatively calm seas, the dehydrating effects of sea water, a source of fresh water to drink, food and protection from the cold as well, floating even for even a day without assistance is difficult.

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