Why can’t you just thoroughly clean baby bottles in the same manner as the guidelines for washing and cleaning against COVID, and instead you’re advised to sterilise them in a certain way?


Why can’t you just thoroughly clean baby bottles in the same manner as the guidelines for washing and cleaning against COVID, and instead you’re advised to sterilise them in a certain way?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The novel coronavirus is one of the most popular topics in ELI5, which means that the chances are very high that your question has already been asked and answered. Since our rules require that you search before submitting a question, your post has been removed. Please [take a look at these search results](/r/explainlikeimfive/search?q=covid&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) and see if they address your question. If you feel that your question is not adequatedly addressed by any of the dozens of previous threads on the topic, and is unique, you can message the moderators.

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