Why cant you mix ibuprofen with alcohol

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When I try to google it I only get the information that its just bad for your health, but how exactly does it work that you can’t mix ibuprofen with alcohol? If someone could explain it in a way that makes sense that would be great, thank you

In: Chemistry

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just did a simple google search as well, which says that mixing alcohol with ibuprofen can cause stomach bleeding & kidney or liver problems. Now why ibuprofen would cause a persons stomach to bleed simply b/c it’s mixed with alcohol is not quite clear to me yet. Ok, so now I understand. First of all, damage to a persons health can only occur if you mix ibuprofen with alcohol for extended periods and/ or in high doses. Ibuprofen alone can cause stomach ulcers also when taken for extended periods of time &/ or at super high doses. Obviously, as you already know, alcohol consumption can also irritate the stomach. The two taken together pretty much gives a person with a queezy stomach a much higher risk of ulcers & bleeding.

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