Why cant you mix ibuprofen with alcohol

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When I try to google it I only get the information that its just bad for your health, but how exactly does it work that you can’t mix ibuprofen with alcohol? If someone could explain it in a way that makes sense that would be great, thank you

In: Chemistry

20 Answers

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Alcohol thins your blood by decreasing the production of platelets, these little sticky bits in the blood that clump together and help to stop bleeding, and it makes them stick together less. As a result, you’re more prone to bruising, and bleeding may take longer to stop.

Ibuprofen belongs to a class of drugs called NSAIDs, which decrease the inflammation that is causing pain, but they also decrease some of the normal functions of the body, including the clumping of platelets.

If you take both alcohol and NSAIDs, you’re combining the effects of both drugs on platelets and blood clotting, which can lead to dangerous bleeding in your stomach. This bleeding can be (but isn’t always) fatal.

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