Why can’t you not pay your debt until you die, sure the interest will be insane but they can’t come after you if you’re dead


Why can’t you not pay your debt until you die, sure the interest will be insane but they can’t come after you if you’re dead

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11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

doing thatm ight give you problems regardless because w/e debt you still have at the time of your death will be charged to your estate(your assets and overall wealth you accumulated).

this prevents you from being able to lets your descendants claim anything related to said estate.

ofc this is assuming your creditors dont sue you ot hell and back(which would be in their right based in the agreements you took when you got said debt) and go after your assets and income while you are still around. during this time hopefully you wont need any further loans, because with this situation in your record no one should loan you anything.