Why can’t you pick up someone that acts heavier than their normal weight?


Anyone can weigh themselves down by not wanting to be picked up but how r they heavier than normal?
Like a baby that doesn’t want to be picked up of the floor will act heavy not grab on anything ect but feel like u cant pick em up like u usually easily would.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When someone is willing to be picked up, they usually help by making themselves more rigid through muscle tension or making their weight distributed over a smaller area (curling up or something). They keep their own body parts in position instead of letting all their appendages flop around. When something is rigid, it’s easier to carry all of the weight from one or two points.

Imagine a garden hose stretched out in your yard that you’re trying to pick up. If you try to just grab the garden hose without any rolling or prepping, most of the hose is just going to flop around. But if you could make the entire hose more rigid, or more compact, it’s much easier to carry the entire hose on your own. A person can accomplish the rigidity or compactness on their own with their muscles, and so a willing person can make themselves easier to carry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If they want to be picked up, they will have their arms and legs around you in a way that balances.

If they are not conscious, or actively trying to not be picked up, their balance is either off to one side or constantly changing.

You can hold two hammers of equal weight, but if you held one closer to the hammerhead, and one closer to the tip of the handle. You can imagine the same object requiring different amount of effort to carry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When someone is willing to be picked up, they usually help by making themselves more rigid through muscle tension or making their weight distributed over a smaller area (curling up or something). They keep their own body parts in position instead of letting all their appendages flop around. When something is rigid, it’s easier to carry all of the weight from one or two points.

Imagine a garden hose stretched out in your yard that you’re trying to pick up. If you try to just grab the garden hose without any rolling or prepping, most of the hose is just going to flop around. But if you could make the entire hose more rigid, or more compact, it’s much easier to carry the entire hose on your own. A person can accomplish the rigidity or compactness on their own with their muscles, and so a willing person can make themselves easier to carry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try picking up a big smooth metal ball, vs. a ball of the same weight that has a handle. The one with the handle will be much easier, because you don’t have to waste any energy getting purchase on it. With the smooth ball, you have to press your hands hard against its sides, or it will slip.

If a person wants to make it hard for someone to pick them up, they can contort their body in such a way that they are more likely to slip out of a persons grasp. For instance, you might pick up a toddler under their armpits, and if they cooperate that’s very easy. But if they lift up their arms and start flopping around, now your “handle” is gone and also their wriggling makes it even harder to hold on to them.

In other words, they’re not actually heavier (how could they be), they’re just more slippery.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If they want to be picked up, they will have their arms and legs around you in a way that balances.

If they are not conscious, or actively trying to not be picked up, their balance is either off to one side or constantly changing.

You can hold two hammers of equal weight, but if you held one closer to the hammerhead, and one closer to the tip of the handle. You can imagine the same object requiring different amount of effort to carry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try picking up a big smooth metal ball, vs. a ball of the same weight that has a handle. The one with the handle will be much easier, because you don’t have to waste any energy getting purchase on it. With the smooth ball, you have to press your hands hard against its sides, or it will slip.

If a person wants to make it hard for someone to pick them up, they can contort their body in such a way that they are more likely to slip out of a persons grasp. For instance, you might pick up a toddler under their armpits, and if they cooperate that’s very easy. But if they lift up their arms and start flopping around, now your “handle” is gone and also their wriggling makes it even harder to hold on to them.

In other words, they’re not actually heavier (how could they be), they’re just more slippery.