Why certain colours absorb heat and others reflect it?


How is it possible that certain colours absorb heat and others reflect it? They are just ‘colours’?
Why if you are wearing black pants, you get warm, but with white, less so – even if it’s the same material?

In: 3

12 Answers

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For an object to be a certain colour, that means it is absorbing the other wavelengths of light but reflecting the wavelengths corresponding to that colour. So if an object is blue it is absorbing other wavelengths but reflecting the wavelengths that correspond to blue light. Since white light is made up of all the wavelength that means that of something is white it is reflecting lots of light, the opposite is true for black it is absorbing all the light. Since light is a great way of transferring energy this energy is absorbed by black clothing and turned into heat, another form of energy.

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