Why Chrome consumes so much memory when it’s running?


No matter how many other programs I am running, when I open task manager it always seems like Chrome is at 1000 or 2000+ MB of memory usage, whereas everything else barely hits 500MB

In: 32

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know why, other than it’s getting close to unbearable. As in… Firefox is starting to look good. But I have Chrome setup so well I hate the transition period.

I stopped watching YouTube in a Chrome tab, usually in a 1/4 screen window on the left side of my monitor. There are instances where the YT tab grows from ~300MB at birth, until it’s >8GB (yes, one tab consuming 8GB), at which point something kills it; making the sad face error on the tab. Press F5 and the YT restarts as if nothing happened. And usually, over as little as 2 hours, it will grow back to 8GB and be killed.

This happens some days ending in “y”, yet other such days no problem. Once it starts happening, sometimes a reboot is required.

And loading long (200+ messages) Fark pages, can bring my whole machine to a crawl. As in Windows Task Manager hanging for 5 or more seconds.

I had a thought recently that Chrome could have “Open in New tan and then KILL” in the URL context menu. Load the page in a background tab, finish loading it completely, then kill the page, so it goes to the sad face error screen. This should consume little cPU or memory, but a simple F5 on returning to the tab and the page is there. Might even come from cache.

I’m not a developer, so no idea what this would do for reals. But something’s got to be done or I’m eventually switching away from Chrome.

Sorry for the rant. You triggered some deep rage.

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