why completely used up batteries seem to have a small bit of energy again after some time.


why completely used up batteries seem to have a small bit of energy again after some time.

In: 275

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I remember experiencing this with a specific shaver I use on my balls! Twas a pleasant surprise, and a welcome experience for said testies. Thought them batteries were toast

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of the energy in the battery as a thick, viscous fluid, like honey.

When you draw power from the battery, you siphon honey from the sides.

When the battery is full of honey, the big mound of honey quickly flows to touch the edges as you take honey away.

When the battery is nearly empty, the shallow film of honey takes a long time to spread out thin enough to touch the edges of the battery.

[But instead of honey, it is more details, like “a degree of charge separation in an ionic solution separated by a semi-permable membrane” or something like that.]