Think of your computer’s inner workings as being like a giant city. Things are constantly in motion. Everything is an instruction or the response to an instruction and everything happens for a very specific reason. Barring hardware failure or solar flares, everything works perfectly.
Now, put that perfectly orchestrated system in the hands of people to direct.
So when the human dispatches all of the bread trucks to the supermarkets in the city in the morning, he forgets one. Or he did the math wrong. Or he sent two trucks to one place and no trucks to another place.
Over time, these little snarls and hangups can really add up. Previously reliable routes are suddenly broken. The human tries to allocate space for the computer city festival but there’s no space to be had because all the possible venues are full of broken down bread trucks.
So when you restart the PC, you clear away all the broken down trucks, traffic snarls, and other systemic breakdowns that took place since the last time you rebooted, and you get to start over with a fresh slate.
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