Why cook food at 300° for 60min while you could just put the temperature higher so it cooks faster?


Why cook food at 300° for 60min while you could just put the temperature higher so it cooks faster?

In: Chemistry

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t mean to be rude but if this is a shitpost… good job. You got me to respond.

Higher temperature never means quicker cooking times. Think about this. You have 7 layers to an onion (all of this is an example and not 100% accurate). You could cook it at 350 for 1hr. The outside would be crisp and the inner most core would be nice and tender.

Now imagine you cook it at 600 for 30 minutes. The outer 3 layers would be absolutely charred and the inner most core would be crisp.

There is a limit of how much heat the outer portions of a food can take before it begins to char.

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