why countries closer to the poles have longer/shorter days


Fundamentally I know that the earth spins on an uneven axis and we orbit the sun but I don’t understand why the sun sets so early in winter and so late in summer when you’re closer to the North Pole.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wrong way of looking at it. The day is not longer, still just a 24 hour day with different levels of daylight. The nearer to earths axes you get, the less distance you’re traveling circumference-wise as the earth spins. Because during certain seasons the poles face the sun more directly, and because you are rotating less of a distance than someone living on the equator, the variation in light/dark is less, thus, you have a week of either darkness or perpetual sunlight. Same reason why folks in the UK (relatively longitudinally north biased) has longer periods of darkness in winter.

Literally a function of where you live longitudinally.

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