why countries closer to the poles have longer/shorter days


Fundamentally I know that the earth spins on an uneven axis and we orbit the sun but I don’t understand why the sun sets so early in winter and so late in summer when you’re closer to the North Pole.

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3 Answers

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Take a look at this photo. The North pole is not in the sun. It should be in complete darkness all day. Meanwhile, the south poll is in the sun, so its light all day.

If you think about the equator as a slice, and each line of latitude as a slice. If you pick a random spot on the equator, a bit more than 50% is covered by sun, and the day length is a bit more than 12 hours.

The further north you go, the less of sunlight that is hitting any given latitude. The result is less daylight, and more hours of darkness, until it approaches zero at the north pole.

Basically, in Summer, the sunlight is more direct, and more light shines on your ‘slice’

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