why did FM become the most popular radio frequency and what difference did it have over AM?


why did FM become the most popular radio frequency and what difference did it have over AM?

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27 Answers

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AM (or amplitude modulation) radio is the simpler technology, and was created first. This means that for a long time the only option was AM radio – at a time.before TV when the radio was a big external source of entertainment and news for people.

Later on the FM (frequency modulation) system was developed, which encodes the sound into the radio transmission differently in a way that provides much better quality and less interference.

A lot of commercial stations started to transition over to FM transmission, but this took a lot of time as the availability of FM radios grew, with some stations sticking to AM for cost or practicality reasons.

Now we are seeing stations starting to move from radio transmission to online transmission instead, just as we moved from AM to FM.

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