Why did Hitler honor Switzerland’s neutrality?


Why did Hitler honor Switzerland’s neutrality?

In: 24

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because he had bigger fish to fry.

Switzerland’s neutrality just meant one less front to worry about, less territory to take while he focused resources on fighting Allied forces. If he’d basically won… completely sewn up Europe, knocked out Britain, maybe, held up the non-aggression pact with the Soviets… He probably would have gone after it eventually.

But Switzerland wouldn’t have been something he could just take on a whim, either. It’s neutral, but not exactly unarmed, and the whole country is highly defensible, ringed with mountains and choke points and terrain that would be hostile to tanks and such. Not something to spend resources conquering (for now) if they’re doing you the favor of promising to stay neutral.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s 5 colleagues – Boris, Rishi, Liz, Kwasi and me.

Boris decides to start a fight with Kwasi because he wants his wallet! Kwasi and Rishi are friends so Rishi helps him. Liz is friends with Boris so she helps him.

I declare myself neutral because fuck those guys.

Boris knows now that I’m not a threat so he’s happy to ignore me. In fact it would be more trouble for him to attack me because then it’d be 3 against 2! So he’ll respect my neutrality.