Why did militaries move from khaki/OG to camouflage for field uniforms?


Okay, why did militaries move from kaki/OG for their fatigues to camouflage for their field uniforms? What’s the reasoning for that?

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3 Answers

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Strictly speaking both khaki and olive uniforms are camouflage uniforms as well. But what we now know as military camouflage is usually using disruptive camouflage. This was adopted after extensive research into camouflage during WWI. This research found that color was not as important as shape. So by using multiple colors to disrupt the shape it made you harder to spot. So this is when the first disruptive camouflages were issued.

It should be noted though that the disruptive camouflages are situational and depend on the terrain. It is also seen as less pretty and not suited for dress uniforms. Even today soldiers are often issued with non-disruptive uniforms, either for things like parading and standing guard in public, or for certain types of snow or desert terrain where disruptive camouflage does not work as well.

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