Why did militaries move from khaki/OG to camouflage for field uniforms?


Okay, why did militaries move from kaki/OG for their fatigues to camouflage for their field uniforms? What’s the reasoning for that?

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3 Answers

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As technology regarding cameras, radars, nightvision, thermals, binocs etc advanced, so did the field uniforms in terms of (non)-detectibility.
Another aspect is, that how warfares are fought have changed. Take for example the WW1/2. It didnt matter what kind of uniform or color the respective militaries had to have, as long as one another could identifiy as friendlies(or enemies).
Nowadays with covert ops and special operations needing just a few squads ore even just a few soldiers, it is more important to stay covered and invisible in enemy territory, therefore different camos got developed and existing camos got more advanced for different territories (for example digital camo for urban warfare, special camos for marksmen, jungle territory, desert warfare etc)

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