Why did musicians decide middle C should be labeled C and not A?


So the C scale is sort of the “first” scale because it has no sharps or flats. Middle C is an important note on pianos. So why didn’t it get the first letter of the alphabet? While we are at it, where did these letter names even come from?

In: 4532

9 Answers

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The short answer is that our letter based naming conventions were invented by medieval monks who tended to chant prayers in a minor key. If you start at a and play a scale of only white notes you’ll get the minor scale. Much later on, playing music in a major key became the norm and c became much more important as the c major scale uses the same notes as a minor

Edit: I know this is not entirely accurate, it is a simplification and how I would answer this question if asked by a five year old; all models are wrong but some models are useful. I chose not to get into the history of modal music because the more familiar distinction of major vs minor scales illustrates the concept. Similarly, I understand that early music was more varied than my post suggests but a full accounting of the convoluted history of why we practice and talk about music the way we do doesn’t seem appropriate for this sub.

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