Why did people only use one hand when firing pistols up until the 20th century.


I’m pretty sure it’s not just Hollywood, I’ve seen old drawings and paintings of people in battle or duels and they always only use one hand to aim and fire pistols, even after multishot revolvers and pistols are developed.

Why? It’s not like using two hands only became more supportive and stable after 1910.

In: 557

21 Answers

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Revolvers were not made to be held with two hands. They generally weren’t terribly accurate to begin with but the grip itself and the shape of the gun did not allow for a two handed grip. Also when a round is fired some of the gas escapes from the gaps in the cylinder that holds the cartridges. This means that if you’re using two hands then one of them will probably get blasted by some super hot and super fast gases and that’s not very pleasant.
Most modern handguns are not revolvers and they don’t blow out gas anywhere other than the ejection port so along with their different shape and ergonomics they encourage a two handed grip.

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