Why did the Atlantic slave trade develop between Africa and the Americas, and not directly on the continent?


What I’m trying to ask is, if the slave trade develop in order to bring slave labor to America, de facto viewing the subjects brought across the ocean as inferior (I’m guessing due to skin color and cultural differences) why did it not develop with the indigenous people in the americas as well? They were different colors skin and culturally different, and it wouldn’t have required transporting millions of people across a very large ocean.

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13 Answers

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Portugal was the first and primary trader of slaves. They were first sent to Brazil, not North America. Since Portugal colonized Brazil, they were bringing slaves to help themselves.

One good reason for not making the indigenous population there slaves is that it would be more outrage. If you bring in foreigners that the indigenous had never seen nor cared about, they would care less than if their own family had been enslaved. Attempting enslave the population of Brazil would have more likely resulted in war.

Africans had already set up the space trade so it was just “easy”, relatively.

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