why did the roman empire fall when it had so much domination? they revolutionised so much


why did the roman empire fall when it had so much domination? they revolutionised so much

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78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to what others have said, I would like to also add that, for the people that lived in it, the Roman Empire never really fell. Our idea of “The Fall of Rome” just applies to the western portions of the empire and the city of Rome itself. The wealthiest areas were still under control of the eastern half of the empire. We call the eastern half the Byzantine Empire to differentiate it from the one that “fell”, but people of the time would have called it “The Roman Empire” and seen no break or change from one to the other. For Romans here, it was business as usual for nearly another thousand years.

Even when the Byzantines fell in the late Middle Ages, the people of Constantinople (Istanbul) still identified as “Romans” and continued to for several centuries.

For the people in the west, it varied place to place, but in many areas it was seen more as a change in management rather than an apocalyptic event.

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