Why did the US help rebuild Japan when the Japanese had ruthlessly attacked so many times, and was so stubborn about surrendering?

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Why did the US help rebuild Japan when the Japanese had ruthlessly attacked so many times, and was so stubborn about surrendering?

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7 Answers

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Soviet Union was a bigger threat militarily in 1950’s, so US wants decent ally in Asia to offset the Soviet military threat.

Japan was a strong source of cheap labor for manufacturing to US consumers in 1960’s, so US benefited from cheaper Japanese labor costs.

This changed when Japan was a bigger threat economically in 1980’s, so US enacted huge tariffs and protectionist measures on Japan, negotiating the “Plaza Accords” which forced Japan to revaluate the Yen and precipated multi-lost decades of stagnant growth in Japan.

So the lesson is, good to be friend of US when there is a bigger enemy, just don’t be a threat yourself to US. China is experiencing the exact same thing now.

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