Why did we set 18 as the age of majority?

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I’m not asking this from a biology lens, I get that aspect, but more from the sociology/anthropology lens. My question is which culture started using 18 as this hard cutoff, when, and under what reasoning.

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29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was reading a biography about the Marquis de Lafayette (famous for his participation in the American Revolution) he was not legally and adult until age 24. That was the law France at the time, partly because a nobles inheritance was a huge part of the economy and arranging marriages, and buying jobs: for example military posts was done by parents and gaurdians Before children aged into legal independence.

It was about protecting family dynasty and nobility. The different view of adulthood was very intriguing to me.
Parents and gaurdians were expected to be very controlling especially with money and relationships until age 24!

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