why didn’t humanity advance technologically for thousands of years when it comes to things like electricity and other electrical power devices like WIFI, but now humanity is advancing rather rapidly?


why didn’t humanity advance technologically for thousands of years when it comes to things like electricity and other electrical power devices like WIFI, but now humanity is advancing rather rapidly?

In: 23

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because material science wasn’t at that level yet. Obviously certain events had profound effects on our ability to advance technology like the scientific method (1500) but it would still be another 300 years before germ theory (1800) came around, the industrial revolution (1800). This paved the way way for Nicola tesla to invent alternating current generators and modern electrical devices but it’s still before the discovery of the proton(1900). Before then you don’t really have the chemistry or knowledge to make things like modern microchips. It’s not easy to understand or prove something like the structure of the atom because they too small to see, even with a microscope. Modern electronics require chips that have millions if not billions of transistors on a single chip, so there was just no way of making such a thing.

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