why didn’t they begin with dropping the atomic bombs outside cities as a warning?


Why did they not drop the Atomic bombs in rural areas as a warning/show of strength before using them on cities?

In: 2423

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone has already touched on the fsct that the US only had two bombs, and how determined the japanese people were to keep fighting past the point victory was even possible. One thing I don’t see touched on is that the Atom Bom was unprecedented. To us in the modern day, the nuclear bomb is a weapon that put mankind’s very survival on top of a knife’s edge ever since it was conceived of. At the time, it was just a really, really big bomb. We had already leveled cities the ordinary way, and that was already horrifying. What’s so special about doing it with one bomb? In truth, not much. But we didn’t spend the last half century worried about being vaporized by conventional weapons. Our own perspective has bias.

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