Why do AAA games load very quickly with graphic card but with blender takes long to render with same graphics?


Why do AAA games load very quickly with graphic card but with blender takes long to render with same graphics?

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4 Answers

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Blender has two main render engines:

* Eevee, which works like the rendering engine of a game. It calculates a [2D projection](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311969455/figure/fig5/AS:444830242349067@1483067202892/Diagram-illustrating-how-3D-object-in-the-environment-can-be-projected-into-a-2D-image.png) from all the objects in the scene, decides which objects obscure which others and should be drawn on top, etc. It is very fast but creates scenes that look like a computer game, especially due to how this technique suck for lighting.

* Cycles, the very slow one. It is a ray tracing render engine that simulates how photons would actually bounce off of objects to get to your eye just backwards. It literally goes pixel by pixel on the image the camera would see and shoots out hundreds/thousands of straight rays that then intersect objects and bounce off of them until they meet a light source or empty space. It is incredibly computationally expensive, but it creates photorealistic lighting.

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