Why do ADHD and ASD have so many traits in common?


Both of them are declared disorders but still I can temporarily fix some of the symptoms of ADHD through pills and stuff.
Im asking cause I’m genuinely curious, I’m adhd and after seeing all those questions related to my disorder lately, I found the courage to ask this one.

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5 Answers

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As someone with ADHD, I have a deep interest in understanding the relationship between these two disorders, and I want to emphasize that there is ongoing research to fully understand this topic. But as far as we know right now, both ADHD and ASD fall under neurodevelopmental disorders, meaning they’re related to the development of the brain. There’s a huge overlap in symptoms, like problems with attention, hyperactivity, and difficulty with social situations. Why? Well, many suspect it’s because these conditions are likely due to similar disruptions in the brain’s wiring.

ADHD medications can help with some symptoms because they primarily affect neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which influence attention and activity levels. ASD, on the other hand, involves more complex issues like language development and social interaction that aren’t as readily addressed by medication. It’s not a simple matter of popping a pill to solve everything.

In essence, despite similarities, ADHD and ASD are still distinct disorders, each with its own unique nuances and complexities. But one thing’s for sure – more research is definitely needed to fully understand the interplay between these conditions.

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