I work as operations foreman at a small airport in Canada. It’s my job to clean out the LAGs (Liquids and Gels) boxes which us where they put the stuff after seizing if from baggage searches before you get through security.
Most of it is shampoo, body wash and hairspray.
I also clean out the “sharps” boxes which is usually mostly scissors and leathermans and the odd bullet.
I keep some stuff which I donate to the local food bank or homeless shelters. Most of it gets thrown out.
I’d like to share a short little personal anecdote.
I was flying out of a small regional airport that has about 4 flights per day. I showed up early and TSA was absent. The pulldown metal grating was open. Anyone could have walked to the gates. I waited politely for about 40 minutes before 3 TSA agents showed up coming back from lunch. Important to note that they came from behind me, from outside the airport and not from a security office which may have been overlooking the checkpoint.
During this time several other confused passengers showed up and joked that we were “on the honor system”. I don’t like blowing any whistles and think TSA is nearly worthless anyways, but I sent some pics to a group chat just for fun. One of my friends submitted them to TSA and must have given them my contact info, because I was contacted by an investigator a few weeks later.
That’s all. If anyone wants a pic of the checkpoint, pm me. The airport is a small airport known for inexplicably having a very luxurious bathroom
Security theater. It serves no practical purpose other than creating the impression that the government is on the job, protecting you (by confiscating soft-drinks and Play-Doh, apparently). Here’s how that’s working out in practice: [TSA Agents Failed 95% of Undercover Security Tests](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tsa-agents-minneapolis-airport-failed-164139315.html). Here’s the case for [abolishing the TSA](https://reason.com/2021/11/19/after-20-years-of-failure-kill-the-tsa/)…after more than 20 years of abject failure.
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